So I walked into the chemo room for the last time yesterday morning. Was not feeling particularly excited, just somewhat curious. I know my cancer cell treatment is finished, but there is more ahead. Blood testing next week, visit the surgeon in May for a follow-up (of what I don't know...last month all he did was look at one of my incisions and asked how I was doing and left - 5 minutes and 100 dollars! But that's nothing to me now.... he saved my life), then see the oncologist in June for more tests. When I come back from Spain, we will do more tests, ie cat scan and colonoscopy and more blood tests. THEN, if all is normal I will feel more complete. Then it will be yearly checkups. Looking forward to that!! Maybe in NOvember when all comes back as normal I will feel more finished. But for now, HOORAY!! I am done with chemo. I can start focusing more on my walk in Spain, my divorce, my son Leon's college admission and my paperwork (I have a mountain or 3 of papers to deal with). Maybe I will be moving out of my house as well. The divorce will tell. So yeah, my plate is still pretty full. But I tend to thrive on being full.
SO, I am ready to leave the chemo room after my nurse unhooked me and she told me to wait a sec, for my thing. (my thing?) She comes back with a camera and a tiara, puts it on me and takes my picture SMILE!! Which I did, big time.

The other people receiving chemo all congratulated me and I told them good luck, and that their's is coming as well (and yet I know for some of them it will be a routine until they die). Carrie, my nurse gives me a little certificate, like the one teachers give to a kindergartener, with little yellow stars and a big smiley star. Hehe, how cute. I asked after she took my pic what they do with the boys, and she said, "We put the tiara on them too."
my question is this.... do you get to keep the tiara and can you wear it on your walk in spain?
Ummm,Inga, you so silly! :D
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