Look what I found!! Yes,'twas 1980.... anniversary of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Several stars from the movie were there. Big, fun costume party, and I decided to go. I was between relationships and no partner of mine was going to tell me not to go out dressed like that!! My friends Jeanie and Steve, who are very daring, and I went and we were hits! Anyway... just thought you might want to know another side of your little community midwife. Tee-hee. I wonder what else I will find.
i have actually seen this picture before! years ago. i think back when we were spending time together around the whole "like water for chocolate", faux slumber party with gwen, home birthin, practical magic, computer learnin' days!
we've been friends a long time alice! i'm glad you're in my life!
oh wow, yes, and you introduced me (or was it Gwen), to popcorn with M&Ms. And, yes, it has been alot of years already. Did you ever think you would be old enough to say that? Time passes.
OH! And I lost that VHS tape of Like Water for Chocolate, and I found the DVD version and bought it 2 days ago. Coincidence? Or should we make it synchrodestiny. Does that mean we have to watch it again?
yes that is exactly what it means! and...i'm ready for you to share "the secret"
i've missed you! traveling and valentine's day at my mother's flower shop has kept me tied up!
Say the day and time and we will watch it!
Que piernas mamita...:)))
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