Started with the home phone ringing....obviously someone does not realize it is early Saturday and I deserve to sleep a little later than usual? How rude! I do not answer it and I haven't even looked at caller ID to see who it was. If I am truly needed I will get paged or receive a call on my cell phone. Home line is only in case my cell is not working. But now I cannot go back to sleep. Grrrr!
Peed and went to Facebook....let's see what there is to read...tons! friend Melinda's blog I always look for and yes! she has one today along with her lovely pictures of life in southern Portugal. Her time is almost up and looks like she may be moving to Cornwall for a stint. Lucky her..... no real home, moving with the wind. Someday....

My pool was first... with me being gone several days, it got naaaaasty! Can't see the bottom! What with the oak trees dropping those little wormy things that held its pollen...the water is now a pretty shade of jade. Flush out the filter, clean out the clogged skimmer and net up what is now on the surface. Amazing, how much a tree can drop! A jug of chlorine and wait until Monday to check the water.
Ahh I must water all the plants I bought last weekend, which also need to be planted and placed prettily on my deck. Can't wait to see it done once again. It makes it so pleasant out there.
Back to Facebook to catch up with a few more entries and was reminded of Pandora, through Emily's posts. I am now listening to Abigail Washburn radio station. LOVE listening to some bluegrass...revs me up to get things done. Right now it's "Girl on the Turnpike Road", by The Crooked Jades.
Opened the living room windows and deck door which reminded me of how much hair Shiloh has shed, as it flies across the floor. I will get to that later.
Feed Shiloh, Feed Red.
Open my bedroom windows and see a pretty nest in the tree.
I wonder what birds were in it, which reminded me to feed the wild birds.
Thankfully Shiloh is outside so she can make sure the squirrels don't eat it all up. Little stinkers! I think they watch me from the treetops and when I put out the seed, the food-on-the-horizon chatter starts. Not today, boogers!
Woah, there goes a bunch more hair! Shiloh! How can you, with such short hair, shed so much!!
Quick phone call to Sarah who is suffering with breast issues. Poor mama! Went from mastitis to internal breast yeast. Very painful! Left her a message...she's probably nursing, as all new mamas do. :)