30 January 2007
Tauntee Speaks
ingafinch@hotmail.com: hey my dear
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i havent called you
ingafinch@hotmail.com: have you missed me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ??
ingafinch@hotmail.com: um well, maybe you are mad?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ignoring me but taaunting me that you are online and not talking to me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or, you wrote me a small message and then fell off the bed and cant get up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or........ you have run to get water because you know what my next question was
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh oh oh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you are writing me a poem
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and you are concentrating very hard
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and cannot multitask and chat with me at the same time
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or you remembered that i am in atlanta and you are drivingv here as i speak to hang out
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh but what it really is....
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you had to go potty and you have developed ADD and you got distracted by the mold growing on the tub
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so after doing your business
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you started scrubbing
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and worked up an appetite and had togo get some food
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but now you're all full and fat and needing to take a nap
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and just tooooo tired to chat
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'm done
ingafinch@hotmail.com: hey my dear
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i havent called you
ingafinch@hotmail.com: have you missed me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ??
ingafinch@hotmail.com: um well, maybe you are mad?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ignoring me but taaunting me that you are online and not talking to me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or, you wrote me a small message and then fell off the bed and cant get up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or........ you have run to get water because you know what my next question was
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh oh oh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you are writing me a poem
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and you are concentrating very hard
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and cannot multitask and chat with me at the same time
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or you remembered that i am in atlanta and you are drivingv here as i speak to hang out
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh but what it really is....
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you had to go potty and you have developed ADD and you got distracted by the mold growing on the tub
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so after doing your business
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you started scrubbing
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and worked up an appetite and had togo get some food
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but now you're all full and fat and needing to take a nap
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and just tooooo tired to chat
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'm done
29 January 2007
Hair, Hair everywhere

Every once in a while I wonder if receiving my sweet nectar is going to make my hair fall out. I say, "I got so much, it probably won't show". Or, "I don't think I am losing any more than normal". But, every once in a while I put that brush through it and think it has maybe 10 to 20 more strands than I normally lose.
This morning, my brush looked quite full. Then I showered, washed my hair and rinsed it. As I rinsed, I could feel a sensation of something smooth crawling down my spine (on the outside) and I turned around just in time to see a large group of hairs going down the drain. So I tried to catch the rest and flung those at the shower wall so they would stick. I did not want my drain to clog up! I looked at that wall and thought that is alot of hairs. That did not count the ones that kept going down the drain and those that stuck on other parts of the shower (which I grabbed after the shower was over and added them to the other collection).
Damn! That looked like alot of hair. I did not want to put the brush through my scalp for fear I would "pull" out those that were meant to stay in. I let it dry naturally.
My bedroom floor carpet! OH my stars! It is covered with hair. I do not vacuum them because the brush on the vacuum would clog and that is a pain in the ass to remove. So I kneel down once a week and scrape the hairs on the carpet with my hand and put the hair into clumps. OK this is alot of hair. I look in the mirror and accept the fact that it looks thinner than it used to. I have cut it to make it shorter so it looks fuller. How much longer can I do that?
Why am I writing about this? This has been hard to accept! My hair was my crown, my glory. I had a head full of hair all my life. When I was a little girl and mom would send me to get a haircut, the hairdresser would say aloud for all in the shop to hear, "Here comes Alice... get the brooms!" I was always proud of my crowning glory, so to see it falling out a little at a time hurts. It means I am changing. Metamorphing. To?
I am finding my new glory now is my soul. My mind has spent alot of years at work, helping me grow, going through the different stages of life. Cancer has changed alot of me physically, but mostly it has affected my mind. (LOL) It went through many thoughts and new experiences with the process of getting and accepting cancer. So now in the mirror I see myself differently. Older looking? yes. Thinner hair? yes.
I do not see my physical self as much anymore... I can see through that mirror and feel my soul. That is my crowning glory!
23 January 2007
Confessions censored, Read on..
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my sweet alice?
mermaidxrose: c'est moi!!
mermaidxrose: la meme personne
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how are you
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we looked for you saturday nite
mermaidxrose: je suis bien, merci, et vous?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'm well
ingafinch@hotmail.com: thank you
mermaidxrose: ahh j'ai avec Owen et Noah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ah
mermaidxrose: je suis "babysitting"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well we were hoping you would get out of it
mermaidxrose: nopers
mermaidxrose: that's english
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: did you like little miss sunshine?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: isnt it cute?
mermaidxrose: yes i did
mermaidxrose: it was cute
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i have cramps
ingafinch@hotmail.com: www.ingafinch.com
ingafinch@hotmail.com: go see
mermaidxrose: omw
ingafinch@hotmail.com: omw?
mermaidxrose: on my way
mermaidxrose: hush!!
mermaidxrose: I'm reading!!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: haha
mermaidxrose: cute
mermaidxrose: you could have come to my house and gotten one of my exercise videos
mermaidxrose: i have about a hundred to choose from
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i should have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i pretty much blew 20 bucks
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: I won't admit how much I have spent on shelf decorations
ingafinch@hotmail.com: shelf decor ahahhahah
mermaidxrose: makes my video section look full
ingafinch@hotmail.com: HAHAHA
ingafinch@hotmail.com: LOLOOLOL
mermaidxrose: until you get up close and read the titles
mermaidxrose: then you say, "Aha, impulse buying, is it?"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: haha
mermaidxrose: and I say, sheepishly, "yeah"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahhahah
mermaidxrose: and you say, "I understand"
mermaidxrose: "I just did it myself, blew 20 bucks!!"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: any good ones?
mermaidxrose: good what?
mermaidxrose: ones of what?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: good videos hello?
mermaidxrose: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lol
mermaidxrose: exercise?
mermaidxrose: yeah the best
mermaidxrose: I got them all
ingafinch@hotmail.com: right now i am weepy sad!
mermaidxrose: why
mermaidxrose: pray tell
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i started my period and it kicks my ass
mermaidxrose: i want chocolate
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ME TOOOOOOOOO
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: i got some
mermaidxrose: in the car
ingafinch@hotmail.com: CHOCOLATE GOD!
mermaidxrose: but i don't want to go out
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahhahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy'
mermaidxrose: in bed in my PJs
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: i got some here
mermaidxrose: why I had forgotten
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
mermaidxrose: ohhh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
mermaidxrose: I have shitloads
mermaidxrose: omg
ingafinch@hotmail.com: shut up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: s
ingafinch@hotmail.com: h
ingafinch@hotmail.com: u
mermaidxrose: I have so much I my cup runneth over
ingafinch@hotmail.com: t
ingafinch@hotmail.com: u
ingafinch@hotmail.com: p
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: LOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i had a blueberry beer tonight
mermaidxrose: what does that taste like???
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it was actually quite good
mermaidxrose: besides blueberries
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it tasted exactly like...
mermaidxrose: never heard of it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: beer and bluberries all mixed up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: for real
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i was surprised
mermaidxrose: so I can get a pint of blueberries...
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ye
mermaidxrose: ... a can of beer...
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yep
mermaidxrose: put them in my blender and give it a whirl?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do it
mermaidxrose: can you imagine the mess?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do it! yes!
mermaidxrose: the froth
ingafinch@hotmail.com: eck
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: talk about my cup runneth over
ingafinch@hotmail.com: AAAAAHHAHA
ingafinch@hotmail.com: your hylarious
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you're
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oops
mermaidxrose: hilarious
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know
mermaidxrose: hehehe
mermaidxrose: hy looks like the hyena word
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yeh
mermaidxrose: how come i cannot share pics or files here with you?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i have the old version of IM
mermaidxrose: oh yeah
mermaidxrose: go update
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and every time i think of updating it's late and i dont want to deal with it
mermaidxrose: it's quick actually
mermaidxrose: I did it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well i am actually going to bed
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my back hurts
mermaidxrose: leave the puter on with the updating
ingafinch@hotmail.com: WOW
mermaidxrose: wow what?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: listen to me complain
ingafinch@hotmail.com: geez
mermaidxrose: wah wah wah wah wah wah wah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my monthly bitch fest
mermaidxrose: well I don't blame you
mermaidxrose: if it hurts it hurts
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: bitch fest
mermaidxrose: I like that
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how are YOU?
mermaidxrose: I am fine thank you for asking
ingafinch@hotmail.com: feeling good?
mermaidxrose: just don't ask me how much water i had today
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i've been a slacker
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i need to start calling you more
mermaidxrose: actually yes... I am doing much better now that the bellyaching and the diarrhea is gone
ingafinch@hotmail.com: YAY
mermaidxrose: that was not nice
ingafinch@hotmail.com: are your veins normal yet?
mermaidxrose: nope
mermaidxrose: although maybe not as dark?
mermaidxrose: not sure
ingafinch@hotmail.com: hm
mermaidxrose: sometimes they look dark then they look lighter
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i need to send you copies of the pics we took of your hands, your veins
mermaidxrose: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: not now
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i must sleep
mermaidxrose: why not?
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: yeah sleep
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i wish i had arden to sleep with me
mermaidxrose: i should too
mermaidxrose: where is she?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: out of freakin town
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i like sleeping with arden
ingafinch@hotmail.com: esp when i feel blue
mermaidxrose: what version of IM do you have?
mermaidxrose: yeah I understand
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ??
ingafinch@hotmail.com: no se
mermaidxrose: many a nights I too lay here and I get a little bit lonely
mermaidxrose: then I go to sleep
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahha
mermaidxrose: all forgotten
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: go to help, up above
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do you cry?
mermaidxrose: no I do not
mermaidxrose: maybe a few times I have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: why not?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: me too
mermaidxrose: then go to about yahoo messenger
mermaidxrose: why do you cry?
mermaidxrose: it will tell you what version you have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: 8
mermaidxrose: ihave 8.1
mermaidxrose: so it should be able to, don't you think?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i would think
mermaidxrose: why do you cry?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: are you able to share with others?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: monthly blues and i am lonely
mermaidxrose: with my niece, yes
mermaidxrose: she is the only other person who is ever on yahoo IM
mermaidxrose: really?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well it must be my IM then
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i will update soon
mermaidxrose: ahhh i see
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i like sex with her
mermaidxrose: and?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: she is kind
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and smart
mermaidxrose: sooooo...
mermaidxrose: I am going to spain
mermaidxrose: and walk
mermaidxrose: and hopefullly meet alot of nice people
mermaidxrose: ???
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i hope so for you
mermaidxrose: my age
ingafinch@hotmail.com: wouldn't that be a fairytale event
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how cool would that be?
mermaidxrose: my brother told me I should join the chamber of commerce and other groups that have professionals
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: it would be very cool
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i think that's an excellent idea
mermaidxrose: nice viking man
ingafinch@hotmail.com: if you like that kinda thing
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: or island man
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you could write a story after your walk
ingafinch@hotmail.com: make a million
mermaidxrose: warm island.... not iceland type
ingafinch@hotmail.com: warm yes
mermaidxrose: have you ever eaten a Skor bar?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my dog is farting
mermaidxrose: LMAO
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh YES!
mermaidxrose: I am eating one now
mermaidxrose: I love them
ingafinch@hotmail.com: rub it in
mermaidxrose: sorry
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'll tell you my skor story later
ingafinch@hotmail.com: for now
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i am going to sleep
mermaidxrose: no way, I hate doggy farts, they're worse than mine
mermaidxrose: stay here and tell me the skor story now
mermaidxrose: you will forget
ingafinch@hotmail.com: its not that interesting
mermaidxrose: 2 minutes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and long to type
mermaidxrose: long long ago.....
ingafinch@hotmail.com: mom collected coupons
mermaidxrose: ahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and my stepdad ran a paper route
mermaidxrose: I remember I would get a kick out of using coupons
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so the "returns" were plenty
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we would get all the coupon sections out of the sunday paper for all of the papers that didnt sell
mermaidxrose: aha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and my mom had one of those big hacksaw boards for cutting paper
mermaidxrose: nice
mermaidxrose: guillotine type
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and we would spend our evenings sorting and cutting 1000's
mermaidxrose: whack!!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: more like a scccchhhwack
mermaidxrose: "watch your fingers, little inga"
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yep
mermaidxrose: that sounds just like a whack board
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so albertsons used to have double coupon wednesdays
mermaidxrose: ohhhh
mermaidxrose: I remember
ingafinch@hotmail.com: then they stopped
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my moms fault prolly
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: they were payin her money
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: FOR REAL!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: anyway she got a hold of free skor candy bar coupons
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we got a whole case
ingafinch@hotmail.com: no joke
mermaidxrose: you mean many of them
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i ate them until i puked
mermaidxrose: wow
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: how lucky is that
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so needless to say
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i havent had one since
mermaidxrose: I have a hard time finding them anywhere but CVS
mermaidxrose: they are soooo good
mermaidxrose: and stuck to my teeth they are
mermaidxrose: my tongue is going wild trying to unstick some of it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but i can still rememebr my teeth sliding throught the thin chocolate outer layer
mermaidxrose: yesssssssssssssss
ingafinch@hotmail.com: then crunching on that center part
ingafinch@hotmail.com: like brittle
mermaidxrose: OH, yesssssssssss, yesssssssssss
ingafinch@hotmail.com: perfect memory
mermaidxrose: you got it right
mermaidxrose: ok you can go to bed now
mermaidxrose: go to bed
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but that memory is plenty because of the case of skor candy bars
mermaidxrose: and don't forget to drink your water
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and now i have no room for other memories
mermaidxrose: a whole case
mermaidxrose: LOL
mermaidxrose: you are funny
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i cannot make new memories
mermaidxrose: memories.... from the corners of my mind
ingafinch@hotmail.com: poor me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: HAHAHAHAH
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i will post this on my blog tomorrow ithink
mermaidxrose: good night Inga
mermaidxrose: which part?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: the skor part
mermaidxrose: the skor part?
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or maybe the whole damn conversation
mermaidxrose: copy and paste
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh yes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you think
mermaidxrose: Bwaaahhahahahah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: what about all my whining?
mermaidxrose: leave that in too
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and the crying in bed part?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: um i dont know
mermaidxrose: you know if we were on the phone we would not say all these things
mermaidxrose: IMing is fun
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it's totally true!!
mermaidxrose: yeah the crying part too
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i love the IM
mermaidxrose: and the sex part
ingafinch@hotmail.com: uh huh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: OH!
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: OH OH OH
mermaidxrose: LOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i forgot that part
mermaidxrose: LOLOLOLOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: cant do it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh shit {deletes it quickly}
ingafinch@hotmail.com: AHHAHAHAHHALOLOLOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ROFLMAO
mermaidxrose: I will post it then
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ok you post it
mermaidxrose: right now
mermaidxrose: c'est moi!!
mermaidxrose: la meme personne
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how are you
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we looked for you saturday nite
mermaidxrose: je suis bien, merci, et vous?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'm well
ingafinch@hotmail.com: thank you
mermaidxrose: ahh j'ai avec Owen et Noah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ah
mermaidxrose: je suis "babysitting"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well we were hoping you would get out of it
mermaidxrose: nopers
mermaidxrose: that's english
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: did you like little miss sunshine?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: isnt it cute?
mermaidxrose: yes i did
mermaidxrose: it was cute
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i have cramps
ingafinch@hotmail.com: www.ingafinch.com
ingafinch@hotmail.com: go see
mermaidxrose: omw
ingafinch@hotmail.com: omw?
mermaidxrose: on my way
mermaidxrose: hush!!
mermaidxrose: I'm reading!!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: haha
mermaidxrose: cute
mermaidxrose: you could have come to my house and gotten one of my exercise videos
mermaidxrose: i have about a hundred to choose from
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i should have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i pretty much blew 20 bucks
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: I won't admit how much I have spent on shelf decorations
ingafinch@hotmail.com: shelf decor ahahhahah
mermaidxrose: makes my video section look full
ingafinch@hotmail.com: HAHAHA
ingafinch@hotmail.com: LOLOOLOL
mermaidxrose: until you get up close and read the titles
mermaidxrose: then you say, "Aha, impulse buying, is it?"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: haha
mermaidxrose: and I say, sheepishly, "yeah"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahhahah
mermaidxrose: and you say, "I understand"
mermaidxrose: "I just did it myself, blew 20 bucks!!"
ingafinch@hotmail.com: any good ones?
mermaidxrose: good what?
mermaidxrose: ones of what?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: good videos hello?
mermaidxrose: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lol
mermaidxrose: exercise?
mermaidxrose: yeah the best
mermaidxrose: I got them all
ingafinch@hotmail.com: right now i am weepy sad!
mermaidxrose: why
mermaidxrose: pray tell
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i started my period and it kicks my ass
mermaidxrose: i want chocolate
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ME TOOOOOOOOO
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: i got some
mermaidxrose: in the car
ingafinch@hotmail.com: CHOCOLATE GOD!
mermaidxrose: but i don't want to go out
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahhahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy'
mermaidxrose: in bed in my PJs
ingafinch@hotmail.com: lazy
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: i got some here
mermaidxrose: why I had forgotten
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
mermaidxrose: ohhh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: bragger
mermaidxrose: I have shitloads
mermaidxrose: omg
ingafinch@hotmail.com: shut up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: s
ingafinch@hotmail.com: h
ingafinch@hotmail.com: u
mermaidxrose: I have so much I my cup runneth over
ingafinch@hotmail.com: t
ingafinch@hotmail.com: u
ingafinch@hotmail.com: p
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: LOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i had a blueberry beer tonight
mermaidxrose: what does that taste like???
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it was actually quite good
mermaidxrose: besides blueberries
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it tasted exactly like...
mermaidxrose: never heard of it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: beer and bluberries all mixed up
ingafinch@hotmail.com: for real
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i was surprised
mermaidxrose: so I can get a pint of blueberries...
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ye
mermaidxrose: ... a can of beer...
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yep
mermaidxrose: put them in my blender and give it a whirl?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do it
mermaidxrose: can you imagine the mess?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do it! yes!
mermaidxrose: the froth
ingafinch@hotmail.com: eck
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: talk about my cup runneth over
ingafinch@hotmail.com: AAAAAHHAHA
ingafinch@hotmail.com: your hylarious
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you're
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oops
mermaidxrose: hilarious
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know
mermaidxrose: hehehe
mermaidxrose: hy looks like the hyena word
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yeh
mermaidxrose: how come i cannot share pics or files here with you?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i have the old version of IM
mermaidxrose: oh yeah
mermaidxrose: go update
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and every time i think of updating it's late and i dont want to deal with it
mermaidxrose: it's quick actually
mermaidxrose: I did it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well i am actually going to bed
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my back hurts
mermaidxrose: leave the puter on with the updating
ingafinch@hotmail.com: WOW
mermaidxrose: wow what?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: listen to me complain
ingafinch@hotmail.com: geez
mermaidxrose: wah wah wah wah wah wah wah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i know
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my monthly bitch fest
mermaidxrose: well I don't blame you
mermaidxrose: if it hurts it hurts
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: bitch fest
mermaidxrose: I like that
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how are YOU?
mermaidxrose: I am fine thank you for asking
ingafinch@hotmail.com: feeling good?
mermaidxrose: just don't ask me how much water i had today
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i've been a slacker
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i need to start calling you more
mermaidxrose: actually yes... I am doing much better now that the bellyaching and the diarrhea is gone
ingafinch@hotmail.com: YAY
mermaidxrose: that was not nice
ingafinch@hotmail.com: are your veins normal yet?
mermaidxrose: nope
mermaidxrose: although maybe not as dark?
mermaidxrose: not sure
ingafinch@hotmail.com: hm
mermaidxrose: sometimes they look dark then they look lighter
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i need to send you copies of the pics we took of your hands, your veins
mermaidxrose: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: not now
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i must sleep
mermaidxrose: why not?
mermaidxrose: ohhh
mermaidxrose: yeah sleep
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i wish i had arden to sleep with me
mermaidxrose: i should too
mermaidxrose: where is she?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: out of freakin town
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i like sleeping with arden
ingafinch@hotmail.com: esp when i feel blue
mermaidxrose: what version of IM do you have?
mermaidxrose: yeah I understand
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ??
ingafinch@hotmail.com: no se
mermaidxrose: many a nights I too lay here and I get a little bit lonely
mermaidxrose: then I go to sleep
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ahha
mermaidxrose: all forgotten
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: go to help, up above
ingafinch@hotmail.com: do you cry?
mermaidxrose: no I do not
mermaidxrose: maybe a few times I have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: why not?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: me too
mermaidxrose: then go to about yahoo messenger
mermaidxrose: why do you cry?
mermaidxrose: it will tell you what version you have
ingafinch@hotmail.com: 8
mermaidxrose: ihave 8.1
mermaidxrose: so it should be able to, don't you think?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i would think
mermaidxrose: why do you cry?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: are you able to share with others?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: monthly blues and i am lonely
mermaidxrose: with my niece, yes
mermaidxrose: she is the only other person who is ever on yahoo IM
mermaidxrose: really?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: well it must be my IM then
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i will update soon
mermaidxrose: ahhh i see
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i like sex with her
mermaidxrose: and?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: she is kind
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and smart
mermaidxrose: sooooo...
mermaidxrose: I am going to spain
mermaidxrose: and walk
mermaidxrose: and hopefullly meet alot of nice people
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i hope so for you
mermaidxrose: my age
ingafinch@hotmail.com: wouldn't that be a fairytale event
ingafinch@hotmail.com: how cool would that be?
mermaidxrose: my brother told me I should join the chamber of commerce and other groups that have professionals
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
mermaidxrose: it would be very cool
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i think that's an excellent idea
mermaidxrose: nice viking man
ingafinch@hotmail.com: if you like that kinda thing
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: or island man
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you could write a story after your walk
ingafinch@hotmail.com: make a million
mermaidxrose: warm island.... not iceland type
ingafinch@hotmail.com: warm yes
mermaidxrose: have you ever eaten a Skor bar?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my dog is farting
mermaidxrose: LMAO
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh YES!
mermaidxrose: I am eating one now
mermaidxrose: I love them
ingafinch@hotmail.com: rub it in
mermaidxrose: sorry
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i'll tell you my skor story later
ingafinch@hotmail.com: for now
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i am going to sleep
mermaidxrose: no way, I hate doggy farts, they're worse than mine
mermaidxrose: stay here and tell me the skor story now
mermaidxrose: you will forget
ingafinch@hotmail.com: its not that interesting
mermaidxrose: 2 minutes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and long to type
mermaidxrose: long long ago.....
ingafinch@hotmail.com: mom collected coupons
mermaidxrose: ahha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and my stepdad ran a paper route
mermaidxrose: I remember I would get a kick out of using coupons
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so the "returns" were plenty
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we would get all the coupon sections out of the sunday paper for all of the papers that didnt sell
mermaidxrose: aha
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and my mom had one of those big hacksaw boards for cutting paper
mermaidxrose: nice
mermaidxrose: guillotine type
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and we would spend our evenings sorting and cutting 1000's
mermaidxrose: whack!!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: more like a scccchhhwack
mermaidxrose: "watch your fingers, little inga"
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: yep
mermaidxrose: that sounds just like a whack board
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so albertsons used to have double coupon wednesdays
mermaidxrose: ohhhh
mermaidxrose: I remember
ingafinch@hotmail.com: then they stopped
ingafinch@hotmail.com: my moms fault prolly
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: they were payin her money
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: FOR REAL!
ingafinch@hotmail.com: anyway she got a hold of free skor candy bar coupons
ingafinch@hotmail.com: we got a whole case
ingafinch@hotmail.com: no joke
mermaidxrose: you mean many of them
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i ate them until i puked
mermaidxrose: wow
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: how lucky is that
ingafinch@hotmail.com: so needless to say
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i havent had one since
mermaidxrose: I have a hard time finding them anywhere but CVS
mermaidxrose: they are soooo good
mermaidxrose: and stuck to my teeth they are
mermaidxrose: my tongue is going wild trying to unstick some of it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but i can still rememebr my teeth sliding throught the thin chocolate outer layer
mermaidxrose: yesssssssssssssss
ingafinch@hotmail.com: then crunching on that center part
ingafinch@hotmail.com: like brittle
mermaidxrose: OH, yesssssssssss, yesssssssssss
ingafinch@hotmail.com: perfect memory
mermaidxrose: you got it right
mermaidxrose: ok you can go to bed now
mermaidxrose: go to bed
ingafinch@hotmail.com: but that memory is plenty because of the case of skor candy bars
mermaidxrose: and don't forget to drink your water
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and now i have no room for other memories
mermaidxrose: a whole case
mermaidxrose: LOL
mermaidxrose: you are funny
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i cannot make new memories
mermaidxrose: memories.... from the corners of my mind
ingafinch@hotmail.com: poor me
ingafinch@hotmail.com: HAHAHAHAH
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i will post this on my blog tomorrow ithink
mermaidxrose: good night Inga
mermaidxrose: which part?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: the skor part
mermaidxrose: the skor part?
mermaidxrose: lol
mermaidxrose: ok
ingafinch@hotmail.com: or maybe the whole damn conversation
mermaidxrose: copy and paste
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh yes
ingafinch@hotmail.com: you think
mermaidxrose: Bwaaahhahahahah
ingafinch@hotmail.com: what about all my whining?
mermaidxrose: leave that in too
ingafinch@hotmail.com: and the crying in bed part?
ingafinch@hotmail.com: um i dont know
mermaidxrose: you know if we were on the phone we would not say all these things
mermaidxrose: IMing is fun
ingafinch@hotmail.com: it's totally true!!
mermaidxrose: yeah the crying part too
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i love the IM
mermaidxrose: and the sex part
ingafinch@hotmail.com: uh huh
ingafinch@hotmail.com: OH!
mermaidxrose: lol
ingafinch@hotmail.com: OH OH OH
mermaidxrose: LOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: i forgot that part
mermaidxrose: LOLOLOLOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: cant do it
ingafinch@hotmail.com: oh shit {deletes it quickly}
ingafinch@hotmail.com: AHHAHAHAHHALOLOLOL
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ROFLMAO
mermaidxrose: I will post it then
ingafinch@hotmail.com: ok you post it
mermaidxrose: right now
04 January 2007
Happy New Year 2007

So all in all 2006 was not so good. I found I had cancer. Throw that onto the rest of my big changes...why not? I can handle it. Which I have. And for that 2006 has been good. I have seen how resilient I truly am. Thankyou to all those who remind me of that.... I have had my moments. I think what was the most beautiful thing about my getting cancer is how much my community turned out to support me, help me, love me. I think I will always consider Tallahassee my community. I have moved to many different places over my life, but this is the longest I have lived anywhere...21 years so far....and I guess as a midwife I have helped build my community and they have given back, big time. I LOVE YOU ALL!!. I think 2007 is going to be grand. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to celebrate. This is my family.... my kids, their significant others and my grandsons.
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